No Branch Lost

The legend of Lazarus teaches a unique lesson about resurrection in the Gospel of John.

No Branch Lost2023-03-26T10:29:58-05:00


Rest is a gift we shouldn't ever claim to be too busy, or too important, to receive.


Worry Boundaries

Worry can be our friend—but all healthy friendships need healthy boundaries.

Worry Boundaries2023-03-12T10:27:40-05:00

Game Night (Exit: The Game)

Open Prairie will be hosting an evening of games, food, and fellowship on Friday, March 24.  Bring a team of 2-4 players

Game Night (Exit: The Game)2023-03-10T09:30:26-06:00


Fasting from multitasking can give us a chance to remember how useful and joyful focused attention can be.

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