The Earth Care Commandment

God has a commandment for us concerning the earth. It isn't explicit in the Bible, but it's urgent now.

The Earth Care Commandment2023-04-23T12:09:57-05:00

The Golden Mouth

Two little Easter sermons—one from a saint, and one from a computer—with some relevant wisdom from Saint Paul.

The Golden Mouth2023-04-16T10:20:08-05:00

Carruth Studio Fundraiser

The Church Council would like to remind you about our Carruth Studio fundraiser to benefit the building fund (specifically for masonry work

Carruth Studio Fundraiser2023-04-15T10:47:35-05:00

Easter 2023

We took this picture at our Easter service. Hallelujah!

Easter 20232023-04-09T12:55:25-05:00

Easter Sermon

Easter calls for a particularly short and humble sermon. IMHO.

Easter Sermon2023-04-09T12:09:52-05:00
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