Carruth Studio Fundraiser
The Church Council would like to remind you about our Carruth Studio fundraiser to benefit the building fund (specifically for masonry work
The Church Council would like to remind you about our Carruth Studio fundraiser to benefit the building fund (specifically for masonry work
We took this picture at our Easter service. Hallelujah!
Easter calls for a particularly short and humble sermon. IMHO.
The legend of Lazarus teaches a unique lesson about resurrection in the Gospel of John.
Rest is a gift we shouldn't ever claim to be too busy, or too important, to receive.
Worry can be our friend—but all healthy friendships need healthy boundaries.
Open Prairie will be hosting an evening of games, food, and fellowship on Friday, March 24. Bring a team of 2-4 players
Fasting from multitasking can give us a chance to remember how useful and joyful focused attention can be.
Fasting lives in the shadowy borderland between enlightenment and insanity. Here's a look at both sides.
In the gospel story of the Transfiguration, Jesus shines like the sun. Maybe you can too!