About Pastor Adam

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So far Pastor Adam has created 298 blog entries.

Souper Bowl of Caring

As a mission project, we collected soup for the Food Pantry. It was front and center in our sanctuary on Super Bowl

Souper Bowl of Caring2023-02-12T12:49:33-06:00

Beyond Cases

Jesus' use of the "case parody" reminds us that we have to do more than just follow the rules.

Beyond Cases2023-02-12T11:49:46-06:00

This Is the Way

Maybe we should learn from the Mandalorians, and remind ourselves frequently: this is the way.

This Is the Way2023-02-05T12:13:55-06:00

Why Fishermen?

Why did Jesus start his ministry in a fishing village? John Dominic Crossan has a theory about that.

Why Fishermen?2023-01-22T11:50:38-06:00

Presence and Guidance

The nativity legends of the Bible are full of the presence and guidance of God. (This sermon featured some clips from old

Presence and Guidance2023-01-08T12:46:45-06:00

Children Matter More

A simple lesson that could change the world: children matter more than almost anything.

Children Matter More2023-01-01T09:28:23-06:00

Wonder Drug #6: Service

This is one of the core teachings of Jesus: "Whoever wants to be first must be last of all and servant of

Wonder Drug #6: Service2022-12-11T12:06:48-06:00
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