Great Uncle Levi
The Book of Leviticus can be a little embarrassing to take out in public.
The Book of Leviticus can be a little embarrassing to take out in public.
"Keep It Simple, Stupid" is a good design principle. So why didn't Jesus always follow it?
There's more than one right way to respond to Jesus.
Here's something beautiful from our service on October 4th, sung by Fern Webber. (Permission to reprint, podcast, and / or stream the
Some thoughts about the Ten Commandments, and the tenth in particular.
Of what did Jesus empty himself—and what are we supposed to do about it?
Asking for the help you need is good. Grousing, on the other hand, ...
Love your country—but remember the second commandment.
A very small case for kicking people out, and a very big case for welcoming them in.
From the Celtic Christian traditions comes a beautiful practice: everyday prayers for everyday activities.