The Inn, Chapter Three: Follow You, My Jesus
This is the presentation from our seminar on Chapter Three of The Inn of God's Forgiveness, which met online on Thursday, May 14th.
This is the presentation from our seminar on Chapter Three of The Inn of God's Forgiveness, which met online on Thursday, May 14th.
A word about action and belief, with a reading from the Gospel of John.
I set up to record video of Fern leading some hymns. Then I set up to take a picture of us recording
This is the presentation from our seminar on Chapter Two of The Inn of God's Forgiveness, which met online on Thursday, May 7th.
The Gospel of John is the gospel of mixed metaphors, which I celebrate with a song in this sermon.
This is the presentation from our seminar on Chapter One of The Inn of God's Forgiveness, which met online on Thursday, April 30th.
Luke's story of the walk to Emmaus has parts I really love. It also has something in it that I think shows
For the first Sunday after Easter, we have a story about Thomas the Twin and his doubts. Good news for skeptics: Jesus
An Easter song from Kelly, Adam, Fern, and Fox.
For Easter, April 12th, our text is the resurrection story from the Gospel of John, chapter 20, verses 1-18.