Peace! Be Still!
Calming the storm: the storm outside, and the storm inside.
Calming the storm: the storm outside, and the storm inside.
God calls to the seed, and to us: come forth!
Jesus was far more interested in how people behave than in what they believe. We should be too. Live lovingly!
This Sunday, we read a story from the Gospel of Mark about a disagreement Jesus had with some Pharisees concerning proper observance
Our bake sale at Lunch in the Park on Friday, May 24th got off to a slow start. Because of the storm,
Before John 3:16—the best-known passage in the New Testament—the gospel writer invites us to go deep.
It makes me happy when children come to church. In this Pentecost reflection, I explain why. (The Pentecost story was dramatized by
The eleven remaining apostles chose a twelfth to replace Judas. Looking at how they did it can teach us some useful things
Here's a prayer for Mothers Day, with some reflections about the 23rd Psalm.
Jesus taught something very challenging about how to respond to violence, and I talk about it in this sermon. This week, I