Open Prairie Drum Circle
A bit of music for the opening of our Sunday morning soulcare.
A bit of music for the opening of our Sunday morning soulcare.
There are two mistakes Christians often make when reading the miracle stories in the gospels.
Here's a reading (the story of the feeding of the five thousand), a sermon, and communion, all together. Viewer participation is welcome!
In July, our Mission Team asked the congregation for pictures: pictures of their gardens, their favorite shady trees, or anything of nature
Check your shopping list: does the food you buy have high levels of stenazo?
We didn’t have much of a sermon in church this Sunday, but I read some scripture and sang some songs. Here's one
We didn’t have much of a sermon in church this Sunday, but I told some stories and sang some songs. Here’s one:
Jesus taught us to cherish the truth: seek truth, speak truth, and stand up for truth in our institutions.
This is one of the hymns we sang today. It's a balm for the worried soul.