My Fellow Americans, Remember Who You Are
My campaign platform—just in case.
My campaign platform—just in case.
We'll appreciate Jesus more if we stop spreading negative stereotypes of Judaism.
No sermon this week, but a new song—proudly (!) presented.
Science is a source of wonder and delight, of power and mystery, of awe and humility.
When we take delight in life, God smiles. Here's a song that tries to say this.
Systemic racism is just one example; there's a whole legion of them.
It's Delicately-Mystifying-Conjecture-About-God Sunday—better known as Trinity Sunday.
What do baptism, Pentecost, and communion have in common?
Have you ever killed an innocent albatross?
When you fail to recognize the blessing in any part of creation, you hand that part of creation over to evil use.