Fundraiser for Loads of Love

Here's Chelsea Sanchez and her crew, unloading and distributing laundry products after church. We fed the volunteers a light luncheon. They raised

Fundraiser for Loads of Love2022-10-30T13:37:19-05:00

The Humble Stance

What person (or computer program, or mathematical system) can know their own errors?

The Humble Stance2022-10-23T08:44:58-05:00

Energized by Fear

Would you be afraid to wrestle with God? I know I would—but I hope I'd find the nerve to persevere, as Jacob

Energized by Fear2022-10-16T12:00:42-05:00

The Elisha Story Cycle

The skeptic in me cautions you that the Second Book of Kings is not, on the whole, a good place to learn

The Elisha Story Cycle2022-10-09T10:17:13-05:00

The Story Breaks

Sometimes, the stories we tell about God are too weak to hold up when life gets hard. When those stories break, it

The Story Breaks2022-10-02T14:51:38-05:00

Amos Aimed at Us

What if we brought the prophet Amos, that simple fig farmer, forward to our own time? Where would he aim his prophetic

Amos Aimed at Us2022-09-25T12:21:12-05:00

Goodbye, Sue Carlson

Sue Carlson, our Prayer Chaplain, is moving away. We said a goodbye blessing during our service on 9/18, and celebrated her years

Goodbye, Sue Carlson2022-09-18T12:41:34-05:00
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